The scenic and performative strength of physical theatre derives from the amplified synthesis of languages that are inhibited. Its fundamental forms of expression come from movement, gesture, dance, song and text work with a variety of theatrical techniques and principles as well as choreographies.
Through this cross of of non-verbal and textual tools an own power is given to reach out and communicate. With KiM [Kosmos in Movement] we have been searching and generating a synthesis of dance and theatre traditions as well as Western and Eastern philosophy to enrich our practice and amplify our possibilities of creative languages and style of life. Similar to Asian dance and theatre traditions, KiM [Kosmos in Movement] does not look for distinguishing majorly between dance and theatre. We believe that, at the present point within the development of the performative arts, it no longer is necessary to differentiate between actor and dancer, and that both meet in its unique and extensively creative language, the one of the Performer